Saturday 22 September 2012

Week 7 Reflection

Lecture and Tutorial week 7

Topic: Reading

During the week 7 lecture and tutorial we continued our study on reading within the English curriculum.
We discussed in our groups important points that occurred in the lecture and identified the relevant concepts. The concepts identified were key points that we thought teachers should have an understanding of.

The poem "Clancy of the overFlow" was  discussed as it is a very interesting peice of poetry, we looked at syllables within this poem and brainstormed what younger readers could gain from it. We completed the workshop activities which included bringing a ceral box or newspaper to class and discussing the type of text that it is. Shared reading, guided reading, group reading, partner reading and indiviual reading was also talked about, the positives, negatives and how this would occur in a classroom.

As a class we watched a YouTube video of a small child in a toy store, where she was displaying early signs of being a text analysis and was frustrated and how she had to shop in the girls section. This was a very cute video and was very relevant to teachers. This workshop really extended on what we found out about in week 6 and also gave us some ideas for our digital narratives. We will be bringing the storyboards for these narratives next week.

Contributor: Keelan Mackle

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